
4 Prevailing Industrial IoT Use Cases

Benefits abound when businesses combine IoT with analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning

Industrial IoT is at a transition point. While the number of connected devices continues to grow at a rapid rate, IoT is no longer just about monitoring equipment behavior. Increasingly, the value of IoT comes from collecting machine data and then analyzing and drawing out insights for quick action. Specifically, when IoT is combined with sophisticated analytics to rapidly process the vast amounts of data it receives, new use cases for industrial IoT emerge. This eBook discusses four use cases that you need to pursue for quick, actionable insights.

Connected IoT devices make operational and performance data about equipment fully accessible and available remotely. That data can be used in several ways, including:

  • Monitoring equipment in real time to spot potential problems
  • Performing some maintenance remotely
  • Leveraging predictive capabilities
  • New business models

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