
The Journey of Crypto-Ransomware: Detection, Response, and Prevention

What is Crypto-Ransomware?

Crypto-ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts files stored on a server, PC, or mobile device in order to extort money. Encryption ‘scrambles’ files so that they are unreadable. A ransom is demanded in exchange for the decryption key needed to restore the files.

Threat actors use a mix of sophisticated technology knowledge with psychological manipulation (social engineering) as causative agents of crypto-ransomware attacks.

Common Modes of Transmission:

  • Malicious files or links delivered via email, text, or instant message
  • Trojan-downloaders or exploit kits, toolkits that are planted by attackers on websites
  • Security exploits in vulnerable software
  • Internet traffic that redirects to malicious websites
  • Legitimate websites that have malicious code injected into their web pages
  • Malvertising campaigns
  • Self-propagation capabilities (spreading from one infected computer to another)
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