
Securing Healthcare’s Digital Transformation to the Cloud

The pandemic of 2020 drove broad telehealth adoption by patients and healthcare providers alike. It was a catalyst for years worth of digital transformation across the entire industry in a matter of months. Many organizations that previously relied on having employees on site had to enable those workers to deliver the same highquality care from remote locations without compromising security or patient privacy.

While both patients and providers were unsure of telehealth efficacy at first, it has grown in popularity and appears to be here to stay. As a result, hybrid work will remain and there are fundamental changes to security and privacy that must be considered for the future. Telehealth has become the most viable way for care providers of all types to remotely meet, diagnose and follow up with patients. Whether a primary care physician is diagnosing a child at home or a psychiatrist is checking in on patients, many practices have recognized the value of telehealth.

Telehealth has also increased accessibility for patients who may not have had easy access to quality care due to distance, available transportation or physical disability. Much like mobile shopping or banking, telehealth brings an undeniable element of convenience to the patient and can be performed from any device. For healthcare providers to keep up, they need to embrace telehealth and create a secure, private experience for both themselves and their patients.

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