
Unify your infrastructure, accelerate your business

Unify your infrastructure by taking the next step with a cloud-managed network Cloud has proven advantages for the enterprise. Modernizing IT with cloud apps, compute and storage has delivered greater collaboration, rapid innovation, and cost efficiency across all business departments.

Networking is the next area for cloud adoption. As the number of remote workers and IoT connected devices increases, traditional networks are becoming too complex to manage. Adding to this complexity is the often independent management of WAN, wired and wireless networks — orchestrated by standalone tools — leading to challenges that can cause downtime and user experience concerns. To break down silos and simplify the network management lifecycle, the time has come to unify network operations in the cloud. A unified infrastructure brings the management of all networks together — into a single, cloud-native dashboard.

  • 50%of new network deployments will be managed via cloud-based platforms by 2022
  • 42%of organizations plan to or have already adopted SD-WAN to improve IT agility and delivery of cloud apps
  • 30%of enterprises will adopt AI-enabled tools to augment traditional monitoring approaches by 2023, up from 2% today
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